These sub-databases do not have individual search screens applied to them but searches cross-reference the data and apply relevant results. This list is based on the Super Search databases and the list of databases on the results page for .
- - data that when available, provides information on Army items returned for repair or replacement. An item is selected as an based on its availability and critical need to the Army users.
- Cancelled NSNs - cross-referenced in Haystack Gold and replacement NSNs are provided.
- / & - an assortment of technical characteristic information as well as additional approved manufacturers/part numbers, drawing numbers, and military specification references. Over 4 million NIINs in the FLIS database have PID information associated with their records. The sources for this descriptive information are the four hardware centers: Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR), Defense Supply Center Columbus–C (-C), Defense Supply Center Columbus–E (DSCC-E), and Defense Industrial Supply Center ().
The Mil Spec/Standard/Drawing number information that is included on the PID/SPEC tab is received from the 4 Major DLA centers: Columbus-Electronic, Columbus-Construction, Philadelphia, and Richmond.
- CTDF/WPS - provides information on the source of supply for the CTDF, the codes for the military services and/or participating activities in the Weapon System Support Program.
- - contains records of current and obsolete publications and blank forms published by the Army, other Military Services, Department of Defense activities, and other Government agencies and activities. This pamphlet also provides resources for materials published by other Services but not available through this index, which is used worldwide.
- - relates to the DRMS branch of the DLA and responsible for worldwide disposal solutions for property owned by the Department of Defense. DRMS carries out its mission via the DRMOs at or near major military bases worldwide and employs in excess of 3000 people. The primary mission of DRMS is to extend the value of items purchased by entities and no longer needed in other military programs or federal agencies. DRMS also donates property to State Agencies for Surplus Property via 's Donation Program or recovers proceeds from items via sale to the general public.
- Found In - link to a list of NSNs in which a or item is found and which is generally associated with assembly kits. It cross-references several databases, such as the FLIS and Army Technical Manuals.
- Freight Data - Segment G Freight Classification Data is used in the shipping of the item and contains the National Motor Freight Code.
- GSA - contains procurement history for those items purchased off of GSA contracts. Information includes GSA schedule, number, contractor name and address, NSNs/SINs, performance location, and contract dates.
- - includes special handling instructions, transportation codes, and other applicable/available information as it relates to the item and used as search criteria.
- Inventory/Capabilities - provided by Vendors and includes the Vendor's name, telephone number, FAX number, Web address, the Point of Contact's name, Title (if supplied), email address, the part number and manufacturer (if supplied), the , the NIIN, a description of the part, the condition of the part, the quantity available and the lead time required to obtain the part (if supplied), and the date the information Vendor information was updated.
Since the information is supplied by the Vendor, it does not imply that they are, or have been, authorized by the government to manufacture the parts listed.
- ILSmart - an Turbolink that provides instant access to ILS, aviation’s largest and most active eMarketplace. ILS is used by more than 200 airlines and 700 repair stations, as well as manufacturers, FBOs and distributors. Aviation suppliers around the world list over 5 billion parts in the ILS database. The ILS electronic marketplace includes parts, equipment, overhaul and service capabilities from suppliers around the world, and company profiles. ILS also offers Parts Manufacturer Approvals from suppliers holding a issued by the Federal Aviation Administration and United States Government Cross References. This electronic marketplace allows suppliers to selectively advertise inventory to target markets and government buyers. The company has served the aviation industry since 1979 and the marine industry since 1989.
Following are the ILSmart condition codes:
AR - As removed from aircraft. Applies to timed/cycled out items that may or may not have indicating tag.
NE - New equipment or product purchased from the manufacturer or distributor. Traceability or certification information available if applicable. Tag or paperwork available. Packages are unopened.
NS - New surplus items have passed through multiple owners since their manufacture. They may or may not have traceability or certification but will have tag indicating zero time or cycles. Non-zero time or cycled items are listed in AR or conditions depending on results of bench check inspection.
OH - Overhauled items with zero time or cycle certified by an , IAA, MOT, etc. repair station.
SV - Serviceable items are those removed from an aircraft with time or cycles remaining or those removed and bench-checked by authorized repair station or inspector. Items listed in this condition have tag if applicable.
- - includes codes that identify:
- item shelf life and shelf life actions
- item demilitarization procedures
- if the item should be specially secured
- any hazardous materials within the item
- - provides users, shippers, and receivers of Navy-managed repairable components with current authorized disposition instructions for repairable assets. It is the primary Navy source document detailing where to ship a repairable item when it is broken. The Fleet Material Support Office prepares the data. It covers disposition instructions for items managed by both the ASO and the .
- - the Air Force MSD Price/Cost data elements. The MSD publishes 13 prices/costs. The MSD stock fund includes most USAF managed spares (ERRC C, T, N and P). MSD items can be identified by a numeric budget code.
- NIIN/FLIS Images - when available, are thumbnail drawings of parts and belong to NSN records with the same INCs. If the database displays as a link in the Details Summary screen when you do a search in the FLIS, you can click on the link and view the associated image(s). Click to view an enlarged version of the image. A link to a list of the NIINs with that image is included, if available, with the enlarged version of the image. NIIN/FLIS images are available when completing an FLIS/TIR search.
- Data - Segment W Packaging Data defines how the item is to be packaged for shipment.
- Parts List - a comprehensive source for information on commercial parts and suppliers that can help you comply with COTS initiatives. Verify part numbers and NSNs, locate suppliers, find phone and fax numbers, and request quotes online. Many vendor listings include part descriptions, quantity in stock, price, availability, condition, unit of issue, links to vendor Haystack Gold sites, and vendor profile information.
The Parts Center features over 117 million individual parts, standards information from over 400 of the world’s leading standards organizations, and records from over 450,000 manufacturers.
The ILS Database section of the Parts Center includes links to over 42 million aviation and marine line items in the ILS BidQuest Component. On BidQuest, buyers post items or services they need and receive competitive bids from sellers. BidQuest helps buyers obtain competitive pricing while helping sellers find serious customers.
The Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul section helps users identify parts that can be repaired or overhauled through certified FAA repair stations.
The Obsolete Parts section provides information on parts for which an Issuance of Discontinuance has been, or is about to be, submitted by the manufacturers or suppliers.
- Related NIINs - related to the NSNs of all items in the family. The NSN of the Master Item will always be the last NSN entered. Related NSNs are all items in the family.
- - used as a research tool to assist in locating retail lateral support. It contains all stock numbers for which participating activities have established user interest, as well as Air Force management data for each National . Activities in the SNUD are identified with a code.
- Technical Characteristics - provides detailed item descriptions, including information such as materials, dimensions, colors, conditions, and performance characteristics of supply parts. Technical Characteristics search is available from a FLIS/TIR search.