Acronym Search
The Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps use acronyms that may not have the same definitions, or may have several definitions for the same acronym. The Acronym Search feature provides definitions for acronyms as they are used by each service agency in acronym text, in acronym definitions, and in field values. Type just the acronym or any word that may be part of the acronym.
The Acronym Search tool is found under the Database > Search Tools.
To do an Acronym search
- Select the Search for Acronyms and/or Key Words in Acronym Text radio button, type RC
as your key word (or search word), and select Air Force as the agency.
The system searches for the acronym as it appears as a key word in the acronym text. Five definitions are displayed, each with a link to the definition of the acronym, the acronym, and the acronym text it represents, including variants such as ERRC/RCAir Force Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability Category Codes.
- Select the Keyword Search in Acronym Definition only radio button, keep RC as your key word, select Air Force as the agency.
The results show all references to the key word as they appear in definitions of the acronym. - Select Keyword Search in Acronym Definition and Field Values. Keep RC as your key word, select Air Force as the agency.
The results show all references to the key word as they appear in definitions of the acronym and may appear as a field value when you search an item. For example, RC may appear in the WSDCfield in a search result record.