Government Awards
In the Government Awards database, search for DLADefense Logistics Agency - provides the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, other federal agencies, and joint and allied forces with a variety of logistics, acquisition and technical services. These include processing requisitions, distribution of parts and supplies, DIIBBS information (DLA International Bid Board System), and Document Services that provide solutions for the conversion, retrieval, output, and distribution of digital documents. awards and review full details on contracts awarded to vendors. In addition, the Government Awards database gives you the ability to research and manipulate/match data between the Awards Database, Government Solicitations Database, and the Procurement History Database to obtain all information regarding a contract or award.

- Click Database > Pricing and Procurement > Government Awards.
- In the Award Date field, select Between from the drop-down list, click in the Date 1 field and using the calendar control, select the date at which to start the range.
- Click to place your cursor in the Date 2 field and using the calendar control, select the date at which to end the range.
- In the Total Contract Price field, select Between from the drop-down list, click in the Price 1 field and type 1000.
- Click to place your cursor in the Price 2 field and type 2000, and then click Search.
The Government Awards Brief Listing window appears with headings for Contract Number, NSNNational Stock Number - a 13-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. The first four digits of the NSN are the Federal Supply Class (FSC) of the part. The last nine digits are the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) of the part., Nomenclature
Allowance Parts/Equipage List Nomenclature is a set or group of alphanumeric words or symbols that describe the equipment, component or equipage assigned an APL or AEL identification number. The following develops the nomenclature:
1. Material Systems Command personnel, or other designated activities
2. Shipyard and fleet personnel
3. ICP technicians
Nomenclature is based on applicable engineering drawings, nameplate data, and/or technical publications., Award Date, Total Quantity, Total Award, CAGE
Commercial Activity Government Entity - listings of firms that manufacture or distribute items procured by the U.S. Government; also known as the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers.
The following are the types of activities and documents that are assigned CAGE Codes: Manufacturers; Vendors; Government agencies who manufacture an item of supply; Government agencies that control the development of government specifications and/or standards; Government specifications or standards when no single government source can be identified; NATO manufacturers. Code, and Vendor.
- If you want to modify your search, either click Back to Search to return to the search window where you narrow your search results by entering additional search criteria in other search fields, and then click Search
Click Tailor to display the Tailored Report Settings window where you provide a title for the report, and optional description, select an output format from the pre-defined or user-created report formats, provide an output file name, and choose whether or not to compress the finished report. Click Get Report to generate it. Click REPORTS > Report Status to retrieve the final report. - On the Government Awards Brief Listing window (results list), click a Contract Number In this example, we'll click SPE608-20-D-0357.
The Award Summary window appears with information about the Awardee Details, Award Details, Drawings, and more. - Click the FSC
Federal Supply Classification - a four-digit code. The first two digits denote the group or major division of commodities; the last two denote the class or subdivisions of commodities within a group. Items which are similar in physical or performance characteristics are requisitioned together, or grouped together, for supply management purposes and given a Federal Supply Class (FSC) code. The FSC is. code for a definition of that code.
- Click the NIIN
National Item Identification Number - nine-digit number assigned to a part under the Federal Cataloging Program. It is the last nine digits of the National Stock Number. code to view FLIS
Federal Logistics Information System - the Haystack APL Federal Supply Catalog comprised of the FLIS (Parts 1, 2, 3); the Management List - Consolidated (ML-C); the Federal Supply Classifications Handbooks (H-2); the Federal Item Name Directory (H-6); the Commercial Activity Government Entity Handbook (CAGE); the Characteristics Data (V-Segment); the Interchangeability / Substitutability Data; and the Major Organizational Entity Rules (MOE) databases. data.
- To view the actual award, click the Contract Number link.
If the document is not available, you will receive a message informing you of that. - Click links in the drawings table to see documents and drawings associated with the original solicitation and to better understand the items requested in the original RFP.

Run reports against the Government Awards database using an NSN/NIIN or CAGE Code as input criteria.
Below is an example of a Government Awards report output.
When you create a custom report, you include Government Awards based upon a CAGE Code.
For more information about reports, please review the About Report Setup topic.