FAA PMA Database

The FAAClosed compiles and publishes PMAClosed data. A PMA is required in order to manufacture and market aeronautical parts that is installed on FAA type certificated items.

To do a FAA PMA search

  1. Click DatabaseSupplemental DatabasesFAA PMAClosed.
  2. Type 4563% in the Part NumberClosed field.
  3. Click the number 155238 in the View column to view FAA PMA information (NomenclatureClosed, Part Number, Replacement for, Manufacturer, PMA Holder, Approval Authority, Supplement Data, ModelClosed Eligibility, Aircraft Type, and MIDOClosed).
  4. Right-click Back to Brief and select Back from the menu.
  5. Click Part Number 4563-650 (Coupling) to view a FLIS/TIRClosed Brief Display. There are two companies listed that make this part.
  6. Click the first NIINClosed 01-053-2496 to view the FLISClosed Header Segment A, MCRLClosed, and ML-CClosed information.
  7. Click any of the links under the sentence, "This NIIN was also found in the following databases." Any underlined databases are linked to data for a particular NIIN and cross-referenced databases are included.
  8. Click the Proc (Procurement History), Tech (Technical Characteristics), CDTFClosed, MOEClosed button or any underlined databases to link to more information applicable to the item.
    Note: When you click the Tech button, a FIIGClosed Image button is available that links to a thumbnail image of the part.
    Right-click Back to Brief and select Back to return to the Brief Display and click the P icon Procurement History Icon to view Procurement History  for this part.
  9. Right-click Back to Brief and select Back to return to the Brief Display and click the T icon Procurement History Icon to view Technical Characteristics for this part.
  10. Right-click Back to Brief and select Back to return to the Brief Display and click the C icon to view Technical Characteristics for this part.
  11. Click the FIIG IMAGEClosed button to view a thumbnail image of the part.

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