The DoDAAC database provides addresses for government activities and companies that do business with the government.
To do a DoDAAC search
- Click Database > Supplemental Databases > DoDAAC.
- Type loc% in the Name field.
- On the results list, click 807227 in the Address Code field. This number is an AAC
Activity Address Code - six-position code assigned to identify specific units, activities or organizations authorized to direct, ship or receive material, documentation or billing. Also Acquisition Advise Code - indicates how (as distinguished from where), and under what restrictions, an item is acquired. code for Lockheed Martin.
The Activity Address Code Information for Lockheed appears a mailing address for the 807227 (Lockheed Martin Space, Systems Company division), a freight address for 807227 (Lockheed Martin Space, Systems Company division), and a billing address for 807227 (Lockheed Martin, Accounts Payable division).
The number 2 in the Type column on the results list for 807227 indicates this is a Freight address. A number 1 indicates a mailing address and a number 3 indicates a billing address.