The Navy Master Data File (NMDF) database, also defined as the Management List-Navy, is the primary source for relating National Stock Number (NSN) management data. It is a Navy-tailored file published in National Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence containing key data such as price, COG, SMIC, SOS, AAC, and item names.

 To do a NMDF search

  1. Click Databases, highlight US Navy, and then click NMDF.
  2. Enter rivet brake lining in the Item Name field. A result list of five records are found. The item you are looking for has a price of approximately five cents (American).
  3. Click NIIN 00-420-6122 to open a NMDF summary page to view the NSN and details for it, which include the COG, QUP, Price, OGM, PMIC, SLC, SLAC SEC, SOS, SMCC DML AAC Net Cube, Net Price, Net Weigh, Gross Weigh, and Gross Cube. With this information you should be able to verify that this is the NSN we are looking for.
  4. To verify further, click the NSN link, 5320-00-420-6122. A Details/Summary page displays with FLIS Header Segment A, MCRL, and ML-C data.
  5. To view the NIIN in cross-referenced databases, click any of the links under the sentence, "This NIIN was also found in the following databases." Any underlined databases are linked to data for this NIIN.